Feel comfortable
At Plumpton we like people to feel relaxed and comfortable so everyone can enjoy the racing. Whilst there is no formal dress code at Plumpton Racecourse, we encourage smart/casual which for gentlemen could be a nice sweatshirt, polo shirt, combined with casual dress pants or jeans, comfortable shoes or trainers. For the ladies anything from soft jumpers to cardigans, paired with trousers, joggers or smart jeans. Simple dresses. Comfortable shoes or boots.
For those dining in one of our restaurants or private boxes, why not take the opportunity to impress with your Raceday style, no matter what you wear, the main thing is to feel comfortable and enjoy your day.
Be Prepared
As we race primarily through the winter months, we are used to racing in all conditions and recommend you wrap up warm in simple layers and check the weather forecast to ensure you are appropriately dressed. Occasionally you may need your umbrella, that way you can always be prepared for any change in the weather conditions.
Fancy Dress
If you are looking to attend in fancy dress, we ask that you avoid inappropriate or offensive outfits, as anything of this nature may result in you being refused entry.
Team Colours
We know how important sport is to people and by all means dress in your team colours but we do ask that you refrain from wearing team kits when attending a raceday at Plumpton.